Salon Chamari523/7 D S Senanayake Mawatha, Anuradhapura071 917 2856When you visit the nail salon you will be offered services like manicures, pedicures, fake nails, gel tips, acrylic, porcelain nails, silk nails, full sets, fill ins, nail wrapping, buffering, polishing, nail repair, nail care, nail conditioning, and even maybe some hand painted nai… Read More
Salon Chamari523/7 D S Senanayake Mawatha, Anuradhapura071 917 2856This is not about Shahid Afridi the bowler but about the batsman who began his ODI batting career with a century, against Sri Lanka, in the KCA Centenary Tournament, at Nairobi, Kenya, in 1996. It was, in fact, his second match; Afridi still did not get to bat inside of first game a… Read More